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Recently I have had my eyes tested twice.  I went for a regular check up to the eye dr. just a few months ago.  As you get a little older, good eye health is important to me.  I came away with a  good report and was thankful.  Yes, I have to wear reading glasses, but that’s not so bad and you can buy them very inexpensively.  But just a little while after that check up, something weird happened to me one day.  I was sitting in a ladies meeting and all of a sudden,  I couldn’t see very well and there were “things” in front of my eyes and flashes of light to the side. Confused smile  It went away within a few seconds, but kept reoccurring every so often.  Because of that,  I felt it necessary to get checked again.  This time I went to see an ophthalmologist.  Sometimes, while you think there may end up to be some sort of change you begin looking at eyewear sites to see if you can find something you like – you know – just in case.

Here was an interesting eyewear site.  They have a feature called Home Try-On.  It works like this.  You can select any five pairs of glasses and they will ship them to you for free. You have five days to try out the frames, get second opinions, and then pick out  your favorite pair(s.) Then ship them back and place your order.

They also donate a pair of glasses for every pair of glasses sold.  That’s a good charity program, don’t you think?.

When it come to eyeglass technology, it seems like they do a pretty good job.  At least this eyewear site would be one to keep in mind should I need to make a change.  Ordering online is a good way to go these days, especially when there is a combination of fashion, low prices, technology and old-fashioned customer service……………………

Well, I had my second appointment.   Guess what?   The Ophthalmologist gave me a good report.  I’m very thankful to the Lord for giving me good eyesight and good health.   The Dr.   didn’t want to say “as we get older” Smile,  so instead he said “as time goes on”  the gel that is in between in the retina and the eye thins out and “things” creep in and that is what I am seeing.  But for now, everything is still intact and there are no tears.  But it is important that I have them checked regularly.  Hopefully, I won’t need an eyeglass site or even need to know more about eyeglass technology,  but maybe someone out there is looking for another place to check out eyewear.

And if you want to have the best eyesight - Hebrews 12:2  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; . . .


Miss Linda said…
I am so thankful your eyesight is all right. My eyesight is poor, but it is reasonably correctible with eyeglasses (I am not a candidate for eye surgery and the severe astigmatisms in my eyes prevent me from being able to use contact lenses). I appreciate very much the resource for eyeglasses. I think I will visit that site and see what I can find. I'm about due for my new pair of "eyes"! :)

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