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Showing posts from October 16, 2011

Can the World See Jesus In Me?

Do You Do Pinterest?

If you have not found Pinterest yet, then you are missing out.  This has been one of the best places that I have been on the internet.  It is so fun and addicting so I need to be careful.  But I love the fact that it allows me to create bulletin boards for any category I want and then pin any item of interest that I find.  Then I have it saved, with a picture so I can go back to it for future reference.  I have found so many new ideas, recipes, fun stuff, tips, and even new friends.  If you haven’t tried it, you should.  Today I did a frugal little project that was so fast and easy.  I made my own cleaning rags.  I had pinned a tutorial on my frugal board and then just changed it to fit with what I already had in the house.  You can see the original tutorial here in case you like what she does. Below you see what I did: cut up some old dish towels put the towels into the Rubbermaid container Added about a cup of water Added a few...

A Simple Yum Yum and a Couple of Tips

I was scrolling through my facebook friends one day last week and happened upon a comment by a good friend.  She had just made caramel popcorn for her children from a recipe that her mom had given her.  The nice thing about this popcorn was that it was made in the microwave.  Well, it so happened that I had been having a craving for some caramel popcorn, but wanted a simple recipe.  When I saw her comment I asked if she was going to share the recipe and she did!  Yippee!  I was happy to get a fast, simple recipe.  In fact, I made myself some.  Since there was only one of me to eat the popcorn I did not want to make a total recipe so I “guesstimated” and scaled it down to  a one portion size.  And yum yum, it was very good.  Here is all you do…………. Microwave Caramel Corn - makes 3 - 4 qts . 2 T Light corn syrup, 1 stick margarine, 1/2 cup brown sugar in microwave on high for 3 minutes. Add 1/4 tsp. baking soda...cook a...

My Memory File

Since my husband and I get so many notes, cards, etc, from all my grand kids,  I finally decided to start a memory file.  Instead of trying to save every little paper, I have begun taking pictures of all the little treasures that each grand child has given us.  This is my first go around.  I have lots of other memories already tucked away and just decided to start with the most recent of my treasures.  True, this is mostly for myself, but if you are interested, scan through the pictures and see for yourself all the treasure that come from having a house full of love.  God is so good to me!