I was scrolling through my facebook friends one day last week and happened upon a comment by a good friend. She had just made caramel popcorn for her children from a recipe that her mom had given her. The nice thing about this popcorn was that it was made in the microwave. Well, it so happened that I had been having a craving for some caramel popcorn, but wanted a simple recipe. When I saw her comment I asked if she was going to share the recipe and she did! Yippee! I was happy to get a fast, simple recipe. In fact, I made myself some. Since there was only one of me to eat the popcorn I did not want to make a total recipe so I “guesstimated” and scaled it down to a one portion size. And yum yum, it was very good. Here is all you do………….
Now let me tell you a couple of tips in case you don’t know.
- For a one portion size of popcorn, you can put 1/4 cup popcorn into a brown lunch bag, fold down the top, put it in the microwave, set your microwave on the popcorn setting and in a minute or two you have just the right amount for yourself. You can add your own seasonings and butter if you like, pour over the popcorn, shake it up and enjoy!
- Today I decided to try my lettuce crisper to pop my popcorn. Of course if it had not worked, I would never have posted this. HA
But it did! I added 1/4 c popcorn, pushed on the lid, put it in the microwave, set it on popcorn setting and had my popcorn in a bowl. I added the caramel syrup that I made, put the lid back on, shook it up and it was very good and just the right amount for myself.
You may notice that the recipe calls for corn syrup and margarine. I used honey and butter and it worked fine. So next time you need a treat for your family or your grandkids, try this – it is fast, easy, and yummy.
1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink,
or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
And Please don’t forget to enter the giveaway for
Tropical Traditions Powdered Laundry Detergent.