Click one of the images below to take advantage of this deal. Take your pick from two special deals . . . two special TOS exclusive items. But select quickly because the two deals are available for ONE DAY ONLY—Friday, October 15, 2010! Deal A: Just $19.95 for The 2010 Schoolhouse Planner. Plus, receive the gorgeous Cranberries & Cream Homeschooling with Heart tote bag for free! You can be organized and enjoy a well-planned home and school. Perfect timing for holiday planning. Read all about The 2010 Schoolhouse Planner here. Normally a $53.95 value! The 2010-2011 Schoolhouse Planner is regularly priced at $39 AND the tote bag is a $14.95 value. You save 63% in all—for ONE DAY ONLY. You’ll immediately download the E-Book version of The 2010-2011 Schoolhouse Planner. Your Cranberries & Cream tote bag will ship in mid-November—arriving in time to enjoy the festive color during Thanksgiving ...
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