One Christmas our son-in-law and daughter came up with the ABC’s of Christmas. Each letter represents something that goes along with the Christmas story along with the Scripture verses. A is for Abraham, of whom Christ did descend. Through his lineage came the blessing that truly has no end. Gen. 12:3; Mt. 1:1 B is for Bethlehem, where Jesus would be born; No room in the inn; only a stable forlorn. Micah 5:2; Mt. 2:1 C is for the children, who were slaughtered by the king. No more did sounds of joy through the houses ring. Jer. 31:15; Mt. 2:16 D is for David, Christ will rule from his throne. Every tongue and nation will bow before Him alone . Is. 9:7; Luke 1:32 E is for Egypt, the land to which they fled. For wicked King Herod wanted baby Jesus dead. Hosea 11:1; Mt. 2:14-15 F is for the fulness of the time of Jesus’ birth. Messiah had finally come to be the Savior of the earth. Gal. 4:4 G is for the glory of the Lord, revealed to all mankind, He made the ...