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Showing posts from January 16, 2011

Just for Fun – Look at all the 1’s

Read this and see if you think it is STRANGE... This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11 - 1/11/11 - 11/1/ 11 - 11/11/11 !! NOW figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year & post what you get......... "I got 111!" AND YOU WILL TOO!!! It was pointed out that if you were born in 2000 or after that your numbers would add up to 11 - interesting!

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday’s Treasure – The Joy of the Lord

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength! Nehemiah 8:10  Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength. In such a state every duty is practicable, and every duty delightful. In such a frame of mind no man can ever fell, and in such a state of mind the general health of the body is much improved; a cheerful heart is not only a continual feast, but also a continual medicine.  ~ Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible

Can you find the man in the coffee beans?

This is not a trick....but it isn't easy for many ....make sure that the whole picture is in view when you start looking......... THE TRICK IS TO FIND THE MAN IN THE COFFEE BEANS: This is bizarre - after you find the guy - it's so obvious. Once you find him - it's embarrassing, and you think, ' Why didn't I see him immediately? ' Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, the right half of your brain is better developed than most people. If you find the man between 3 seconds and 1 minute, the right half of the brain is developed normally. If you find the man between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger!!! And, yes, the man is really there!! After you find the man in the beans share this your brai...

Worth Quoting

All thou needest to make thee blessed, supremely blessed, is "to be with Christ." ~Spurgeon Jesus was born that you might be born again. He lived that you might live. He died that you might die to sin. He is risen, and today He maketh intercession for transgressors that they may be reconciled to God through Him. Come, then: believe, trust, rejoice, adore! ~Spurgeon The completeness of the sacrificial work on Calvary will be matter for eternal contemplation and rejoicing, long after every sin has been, by its cleansing efficacy, washed out of our being for ever. shall we ever exhaust the fullness of the cross? ~Horatius Bonar Do you ever try to do good to others? If you do, remember to tell them about Christ. Tell the young; tell the poor; tell the aged; tell the ignorant; tell the sick; tell the dying-tell them all about Christ. ~J. C. Ryle There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things. ...